is today the day???
get to set up my studio today (i hope!) stay tuned!!
ok, so i find myself in a predicament. i got so busy and i figured it would be a few days before i could even try to catch up. a few days, a few weeks. only a few months and i will be caught up and have some free time. months turned into years. so here i am, predicament and all. if i dont start at least writing something down then it will all be over and i wont remember any of the whirlwind. its not all bad, its just crazy. not all crazy is bad.
Things are looking up! its a good weekend. no explanation given, just a good weekend.
...and honestly i'm glad its over. its hot, i'm tired and just worn out. the good news is that the girls are at pammy's tonight and grammy and papas tomorrow night so i get my husband all to myself for two nights in a row. now if i could just remember what we are suppose to do together.
its been a busy busy busy week. havent even had time to get my new lights out of their boxes and put them up. todd has been in san diego all week. i know he is very busy with his job and he really loves it - its just lonely and hard for me to do it all here. he gets mad when i say i'm a single mom but really it feels like i am a single mom. he is too preoccupied to even ask how the girls are doing. he care, he cares a lot. i am just on my own with them. i did just ask my mom to take them for saturday night and she said yes. maybe he and i will get some quality time alone together this weekend. we need it. i need a break - its been an exhausting week and i have to run off to work now.
Jumping up and down for joy! my lighting equiptment is here!!!! early birthday present! a whole alien bees setup. cant wait to get home tonight and try to figure out how to put it all together.
so, right now i am working on photos again as that is what feeds me. i dealt with the garage contractor guy this morning. he did a good job and will be back to do the bathroom when i can pick out some tile. sorry to say i dont know when that will be. the kitchen is a very very very slow process. our kitchen guy is wonderful, friendly, nice and slow, slow, slow. i wish i could work at his pace. life wouldnt be so hectic then. he is due to be back tomorrow but i will be at the dental office working. i have been kitchenless since may and expect to have a fully functioning kitchen soon. i hear the snickers - contrary to public opinion, i do need and USE a kitchen. this afternoon is maddy and alex's kickboxing class - i feel like such a cool mom to be able to say that. the only thing that would be better would be if i was taking it with them. i worked out this morning, despite teetering on having a cold. todd will be home tonight but very late. the worst part about having a husband who spends his week living near his job over an hour away is that i miss him terribly. i get awfully lonely for adult conversation at the end of the day. it wouldnt be so bad if i didnt like him, but he is my best friend and i wouldnt rather spend the evening talking to anyone else. i have to get some more photos done - the ones from the 50th anniversary party the day before yesterday. what a fun couple they were - kissing and laughing the whole night - beautiful love. i hope my photos can convey that - ut oh, here comes that voice of insecurity - go away! i am going to post some photos in a style that i havent shared before. i know it wont be to everyones liking, but i like it, and its my blog. so there.