Our Pammy plays Softball - and she can kick some serious butt too!
The winning team!

playing outfield

stealing a hug with her pammy
and stealing a kiss with her pammy - love the foot in the air
pammy as catcher - have these people never heard of safety gear?!
a hard hit to center field and she is off!
dude, you have NO BALL in your glove! get your dirty mitts off my pammy!
Our Pammy is on a softball team so we went to go see her game on Sunday. Her team is in 2nd place and faced off against the first place team - and won!! It was 8-7 right in the last inning with a doozey of a home room too! what an exciting game! Pammy played really well as usual (even though she modestly said she sucked:) Here are a few highlights. Thanks for having us at your game Pammy!

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