Cheryl Walsh Imaging

ok, so i find myself in a predicament. i got so busy and i figured it would be a few days before i could even try to catch up. a few days, a few weeks. only a few months and i will be caught up and have some free time. months turned into years. so here i am, predicament and all. if i dont start at least writing something down then it will all be over and i wont remember any of the whirlwind. its not all bad, its just crazy. not all crazy is bad.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

HE noticed!!!!!!

The new website is almost done and should be up by next week - maybe even sooner. I am booked solid for the next week though so I dont know when I will have the time to get all the kinks worked out of it.
I got a call last night from Todd telling me he enjoyed my blog!! YEA!!!!! I was waiting to see how long it would take him to notice I even have one. OK, so I dropped a few hints here and there, but I didnt think he would pick up on them. I was figuring it would take until after Christmas before he got to catch up with me on how things are going in my life and whats new with me. It feels so great to be noticed by my husband. :)

HE noticed!!!!!!

The new website is almost done and should be up by next week - maybe even sooner. I am booked solid for the next week though so I dont know when I will have the time to get all the kinks worked out of it.
I got a call last night from Todd telling me he enjoyed my blog!! YEA!!!!! I was waiting to see how long it would take him to notice I even have one. OK, so I dropped a few hints here and there, but I didnt think he would pick up on them. I was figuring it would take until after Christmas before he got to catch up with me on how things are going in my life and whats new with me. It feels so great to be noticed by my husband. :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Crystal, Ramone and Brooke

sometimes i just want to take a photo but with this family it was my goal to capture their story. these three are a precious little team - a truly wonderful, loving family. but aside from being parents these two are totally hot for each other - i just LOVE to see that in a married couple!! marriage should be hot, passionate, fun and sexy and i hope i captured that in their photos.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Had a great weekend. will post from both shoots as soon as i can. model deanna was great - we had a good time shooting all around the campus. today was 2 month old evelyn - precious whether smiling or crying. tonight we went to the lab so i could check out a few details for my shoot in a few weekends. got a great bag so it was well worth the trip! and, even better... got a good shot of my little models.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Website!!!!

I just purchased a website interface called "rock star" - how cool is that?!?!??! I am so excited to finally have a rockin website rather than that construction paper and glue stick thing i pasted together while I was taking a nap. it will take weeks but it will be well worth it! all is well :)

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Love and Peace

Too bad world war 3 broke out while taking this photo - thus only one child. Scheduling more and more shoots! Email if you want yours done before i'm all booked up for the year.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

I finally finally finally got to take some actual photos!!

Finally!!! I thought I was going to die waiting! These two are soooo much fun. More photos to come soon.