It was a Happy Valentines Day!

Wow, what a Valentines day!! I know, I know, I haven't blogged in a long time, but thats because I have been... sort of "in transition" actually. But now things are really falling into place. Yesterday my daughter's went happily off to school, excited about their classes' Valentine's parties and came home with beautiful, very heart-felt handmade cards that made me cry tears of joy. My husband called me during the day (yes, during the day!) and asked me out to lunch! So we went out to lunch together - it was so great! I'm not the type of girl to send flowers to, it just doesnt impress me. But taking me out to lunch on a weekday when you work 2 hours away - THAT impresses me. A lot! And what else did I do on Valentine's day? Oh yeah, I announced my retirement at work!! I know, I picked Valentines day to announce the end of a 17+ year relationship with the man, but hey, it's what my heart told me to do. Hopefully my last day will be soon. It's not that I didnt love dentistry. Dentistry has been very good to me, but after 20 years it's time to move on. It was a scary decision to make and believe me, it didnt come easily, but I feel its right. Its right for me and my family and my career. Photography is what I LOVE and I have to follow my passion. I wont fail. I WONT FAIL! I will succeed and have a great time doing it. So I promise to try to blog at least once a week so I can follow this new path in my life and look back at how far I've come in a year, and two years and ten years and see how it was all worth it. And I hope you might follow along on my journey and maybe cheer me on from time to time so I know I'm not alone when I feel alone.
Step 1: NO FEAR!
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