Cheryl Walsh Imaging

ok, so i find myself in a predicament. i got so busy and i figured it would be a few days before i could even try to catch up. a few days, a few weeks. only a few months and i will be caught up and have some free time. months turned into years. so here i am, predicament and all. if i dont start at least writing something down then it will all be over and i wont remember any of the whirlwind. its not all bad, its just crazy. not all crazy is bad.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Alt-senior is coming soon...but not soon enough!

In the massive whirlwind of the past few weeks I have done something I am really really excited about. I got myself another Blu site. I LOVE Blu! And, no, its not just my massive crush on Harald. Alt-senior has taken on a life of its own and I'm just in love with it. Its time for its own site and this one ROCKS!! I'm so excited its hard to wait until its ready. There is so much editing to do to get everything ready but I'm just about there. Hopefully it will be up this next week. I cant wait I cant wait I cant wait!!!!! Get here already!!!!


Its been a hectic few weeks so I'm a bit behind with my blog posts. I was really looking forward to this shoot and was walking out of the house when I got word of my Aunty Betty’s death. Not the kind of news anyone needs before heading out to do a family shoot. But I sucked it up and headed out with feelings of gratefulness for all the joy my Aunty Betty brought to us thru the years. And once I started watching this family interact and could feel their love all my grief was lifted. What a gorgeous family! Look at this girls tattoos – she has her babies names on her shoulder blades. I LOVE them!! I loved their interactions. I loved that they wore what they felt comfortable in and it really worked. My fav shot is of her kissing him on the cheek while the kids are squirming on their laps, dad is rolling his eyes and off in the corner is a colorful little sippy cup – how their lives have changed and the colors that now fill it. how beautiful. I cant wait for them to see what I am seeing.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

finally some rays of hope

Great news, after two weeks of emotional rollercoasters, I think we are well on our way to resolving lances troubles. With any luck we will be shooting some tux shots soon in preparation for high school graduation. I am shooting high school graduation and if he isn’t there I don’t know how I will be able to get thru it. He has sort of become the son I never wanted – if that make any sense. I just cant express how proud I am of him and how privileged I feel for getting to know him these past two weeks. Soon he will graduate high school and I probably wont get to see him again but I feel a much better person for this experience with him. And ladies, yes, believe it or not, he is single. Send in your date request directly to me – but don’t bother if you are under 18 years old and not an A+ - this guy deserves only the best!

Prom 2007

Had the surreal experience of unexpectedly slow dancing with my husband at a prom for the first time in 24 years. Yup, he was my senior prom date. And a really good one too. Well, obviously he was a keeper. So last night was prom and somehow I got suckered into doing the photos. You see, when they ask me to do things like this it seems ok to say yes and then the time comes and I’m dreading it like the plague. For the record I don’t like to do formal photos – hate it in fact. But this wasn’t horrible because we had our fun faux photo booth as a distraction. With only 28 students (and probably just as many chaperones) in attendance there wasn’t a whole lot of photos to do but we did have fun with the fun students. It was great to see Brett, a senior from last year and really nice that he remembered me. Sheri was an absolute knock out as usual. There was one noticeably missing person but then again there were plenty of students who didn’t go. My hat is off to miss Cindy (or was it Sandy, I’m sorry but I’ll never get it right – I have a hard enough time getting my own twins straight and they are as fraternal as can be) for the amazing decorations. There was this huge Eiffel tower in the middle of the room – so cool. Too bad I didn’t think to get some photos while the sun was still up. I forgot how pitch black that room gets and the djs lights mess with my camera something fierce. Anyways I just hope the kids like the photos – I rarely get any feedback so I don’t know if they think I suck or what.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

no good deed goes unpunished

My husband always says that no good deed goes unpunished and I’m sorry to say I have to agree. It hasn’t been a good week. Lots of anxiety and I don’t do well with anxiety.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

the only time references to film and nikon are ok

I need a new blog - this one makes my photos look dull and muddy. there arent enough vibrant beautiful amazing colors in my pictures and its really pissing me off! But i'm working on a new website and that takes priority over the blog. if you have any blog company suggestions please let me know!

When I think back on all the crap Ive learned in high school
Its a wonder I can think at all
Though my lack of education hasnt hurt me much
I can read the writings on the walls
Kodachrome, they give us those nice bright colours
They give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the worlds a sunny day,
oh yeahI got a nikon camera,
I love to take a photograph
So mama dont take my kodachrome away

Sometimes you just gotta sing your heart out when no one else is around

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In deep water

Got some more amazing photos of lance. Yes, he is under water. He had swim at school today so we thru him right back in the pool. I have never photographed eyes like his before. The more I get to know him the more he blows me away. He is just such a good boy. If his troubles don’t get resolved in a positive way I know personally I wont ever get over it. I have some ideas and just hope there is something that can be done to help.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Lance has always been one of my absolute favorite students. He has a charisma and maturity to him while still maintining his ability to be a kid. He is impossible to miss by just his sheer size alone, he’s got to be at least 6’4 with a big teddy bear build, amazing red hair, eyes the blue of an early morning hawaiin sky, freckles till Tuesday and a smile that lights up the whole world. He is just about always smiling and generous with the hugs. Everywhere I go at school, there he is – I couldn’t avoid him if I tried. He sings in choir, acts and sings in drama, can dance and fly (yes, I’ve seen him fly, gave me a fricken heart attack, see my post about the senior photos for that story), plays cello, drums in a rock band, juggles (can juggle apples while alternately eating one – how cool is that), plays basketball, volleyball and God knows what else. In the fall when I was taking the formal senior portraits I could see right away how photogrenic he is and we discussed doing some portfolio photos for him. Out of the kindness of his heart he has endured his grandmothers criticism while growing out that amazing firey locks at my request. I was psyched to get his photos today so it was with great sadness that I learned that he was having a really really really bad day. But even with the weight of a thousand worlds on his shoulders and a huge black rain cloud over his head he still managed to give me the most amazing smiles and photos that are blowing my mind. The reason for his bad day and his ability to deal with it with such maturity and class is haunting me. I have a very heavy heart as I edit these photos.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Poor Doc

Mike got hurt – bad.
All I heard was broken ribs and collarbone to know that this isn’t good. He is in the hospital and in a lot of pain. For years we gave him a hard time about acting his age and not flying around on that mountain bike like a 14 year old boy. But there will be no “told you so” here. I’ve always admired his ability to not act his age and its really served him well on many levels. But not this time. Man this sucks – I have a really really bad feeling about where all this is leading. Wish there was something I could do to help but I know the help I could give wouldn’t be good for me and ultimately not what is best for anyone.