Cheryl Walsh Imaging

ok, so i find myself in a predicament. i got so busy and i figured it would be a few days before i could even try to catch up. a few days, a few weeks. only a few months and i will be caught up and have some free time. months turned into years. so here i am, predicament and all. if i dont start at least writing something down then it will all be over and i wont remember any of the whirlwind. its not all bad, its just crazy. not all crazy is bad.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I won! oh no!

I won, I won, I won!!!! I won this big deally thing and I'm pretty excited. oh my gosh, its a pretty big deal. oh crap, now what am i going to do. fortunately i have bigger problems to deal with right now so i'm just gonna go into "denial" mode and maybe it will all go away..... if we can just get to thursday night i'll be a happy camper. (on a totally different topic) sometimes certain things are so worth it that drastic measures have to be taken and, well, i'm ready to try a different tactic and if that doesnt work then i'm going for the old "catholic guilt trip." see ya on the other side....