Blu's Shindig

Here is a photo of most of Blu Domain - i lifted it from their website, it was taken this last december by the world famous boutwells. Blu is the ultra cool company that make the coolest websites around - I havent finished mine yet so it doesnt do them justice but just check them out to see what they can do! Their blog has lots more party photos (including one of me and becky at the very bottom!)
This is the bowling suite at the palms - yes, a bowling alley between the two bedrooms. lets just say that it didnt suck.jpg)
Marcus Bell getting all tatted up
yes, that is THE Dennis Reggie bowling with a purse over his shoulder - how cool is that sight?!.jpg)
Blu's Aundrea is so unbelievably stunning i'm almost embarrassed to put this photo in - i should have photoshoped myself out!.jpg)
the stunning dalisa cooper
Fred Egan - WATCH THIS KID FLY! - he is hot on the heels of the best of the best! what a sweetheart, so talented and so fun. i cant wait to meet up with him at the antiworkshop in seattle - i have a lot to learn from this guy!.jpg)
Blu's Aundrea is so unbelievably stunning i'm almost embarrassed to put this photo in - i should have photoshoped myself out!
the stunning dalisa cooper
dennis reggie and... is that? i think it is..... is that [b]ecker under those shades?
always looking like a GQ model - doug boutwell
we have almost the same exact glasses - so how come I dont look that cool!?!?!
chenin boutwell - i cant wait for the antiworkshop seattle! i love this photo of her - great capture becky!.jpg)
always looking like a GQ model - doug boutwell
chenin boutwell - i cant wait for the antiworkshop seattle! i love this photo of her - great capture becky!
Ok, so I know my place in the food chain of life - for my kids I'm top of the list but for this WPPI thing I'm pretty much the person who should be holding the toilet paper roll. this was THE party to be at during WPPI. my head is still swimming from seeing all the "who's who" we saw. It seemed like every single time I turned around there was someone who was SOMEONE in the world of photography. It was mind-numbing. Normally I'm not one to swoon over a celebrity but I was duly impressed by who all was there. The best part was that as i introduced myself, like the total geek i am, people were nice to me. telling them how much i admire their work didnt seem to churn their stomachs like it was afraid it might! Hugely geeky of me, yes, but it was fun!! dont get my wrong, not everyone was so down to earth, but hey, now I know who is worth spending my time, money and referrals on. There arent enough flattering words for the people who run Blu Domain! They had a horrible trip out there, got bumped from their flight, lost their luggage, hotel gave away their rooms, lost all their email off their server and yet were amazing hosts and were so fun to be around. oh, honestly it would have been perfectly fine with me had harold cried on my shoulder, but he was far too much a professional to do that:) Most of these photos were take with my ultra-retro nikon 2mpg camera but the good ones were taken by becky.
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