What the .....?
So i second shot a wedding with becky on saturday. it was great fun. lots of work, but great fun still. i think i scared the pants off her because i shot soooo many photos - i tend to take a lot of photos. and i mean ALOT of photos. but i'm pairing them down, no problem. then i came across this one. what i want to know is: what the hell is this?? look at this video guy, right smack dab in the middle of the aisle, right in the FRONT!!! look at this!! not the guy to the right, but the one whose back of his head you can see and he is right next to the mother of the bride!! no one behind him could see through his big massive cranium. becky is off to his right, crouched down, like a true professional, trying to get a shot in there. that guy should be fired!! anyways, i'm sure the guy was oblivious to his position and just wanted to make his money and go home - it isnt his company after all. a lesson to anyone who wants a large company and hires people to do all their work for them. a lesson learned.
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