YEAH!!!! - They all Graduated!!

my boy Lance - I'm soooo proud of him!

Well, there I was, in a 98 degree terrarium they call a church, tears streaming down my face (and all over my camera) like a big ol' pansy. But what a privileged for me that I got to be there to photograph CCHS graduation. Of course they all looked amazingly beautiful and were fun to photograph. I HATE formal photos so I can only hope the obligatory ones turned out ok. I just wish we had more time - i could have shot the fun stuff for hours. But it was soooo fricken hot, i cant imagine how they must have felt in those caps and robes. Seeing Lance graduate has got to be one of the highlights of my life. I'm so proud of that boy - he really pulled through this past week (not to mention the past 6 weeks) under an amazing amount of pressure that few people know anything about. I wont go on and on (as I'm sure I've embarrassed the poor kid enough) but in these past weeks a huge part of my heart has been engulfed by him and I know that years from now that mark will still be there. Each of these kids is so impressive in their own way and I have enjoyed the time I had with them. A huge congrats to Alex for her award - I don't think she could have been any more surprised by it but it was a very appropriate honor for that special girl. All my best wishes to them all in what will undoubtably be a very successful future!
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