Cheryl Walsh Imaging

ok, so i find myself in a predicament. i got so busy and i figured it would be a few days before i could even try to catch up. a few days, a few weeks. only a few months and i will be caught up and have some free time. months turned into years. so here i am, predicament and all. if i dont start at least writing something down then it will all be over and i wont remember any of the whirlwind. its not all bad, its just crazy. not all crazy is bad.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

i have a crush on john mayer

Last night i went to the sheryl crow / john mayer concert with a dear friend whose company i enjoy a great deal. the concert was great. sheryl crow rocked. not only does she have an amazing voice, is a talented song writer, can play the guitar like nobodies business, but, on a completely superficial level, that girl has arms of steel! rock hard biceps and we love good arms. john mayer was sexier in person than i was expecting. he sang and played beautifully and looked even more beautiful doing it. the problem with going to a concert with a person whose company you enjoy is that its way too loud to actually hold a conversation which kind of sucks. but that's ok because i had fun with them anyways. got bored standing in line for the bathroom so i sent them a text message - hey, i know how to have a good time. at one point during john mayer, i was standing, swaying to the music, and looked down next to me at the person sitting there. yes, that's right, sitting there. just sitting there. sitting. and i thought, how can you just sit there and let this amazing feeling go unfelt? why don't you get up and dance!? now, i cant dance worth s**t but at least i was standing and feeling this amazingly emotional music. what kind of person sits thru that? who IS this person? i bet they are boring. too safe. probably sits around and watches a lot of movies. probably drives a little shiny convertible but doesn't do anything fun in it. probably owns a cat. i got a mental picture of steve carrell in "the 40 year old virgin" with all those toys sealed up and untouched. maybe, just maybe, they aren't even alive, maybe they are dead, right there in the seat next to me. nope, i see breathing. and, in my best "invader zim" voice, i wanted to scream "get up and dance, live your life, be passionate about something!" this person i don't EVEN know was bringing out the absolute worst in me! i was hating them. a lot. hate-ing. "get up and dance, god damn it, cant you see how happy i am dancing here! my life is hard, it isnt what i was hoping for at the present time, but if i at least get up and dance i am happy right here, right now. dancing, even badly, isnt something that has consequences, like jumping out of a plane or anything like that. its just dancing." that's when it dawned on me - i don't know who this person is and it certainly doesn't matter to them who i am, or if i am even here or not. they are bringing out the worst in me so why would they listen to what i have to say about the life-metaphor of getting up and dancing? maybe they are sitting because they are tired from living their life to its fullest. maybe their ideal "happiness" doesn't include dancing a dance or two. after all, i know that this has nothing to do with them and is all about me and right now, in front of them, i am being the worst of me. sitting there is their choice. not a choice i want to make but one certainly cant force dancing on someone else. we all make our own choices and who am i to judge. that's when they shot me a daggered look of total rejection, i was annoying them for standing in front of them, dancing in their personal space. oooppps.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Photoshop World

a quick photo i shot off of the model with a borrowed fisheye lens

very cool teacher - a genius at photography and marketing

What a blast Photoshop World Las Vegas was!! Here is just a little sampling of one class I took and loved. If you notice a few familiar famous faces then you HAVE to be a photoshop geek like me!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


The studio is all set up and ready to go. Lights are ready. New paper is freshly wrinkled, but none-the-less ready. Now, if I only thought I knew what I was doing.......

yeah, yeah, yeah

if at first you dont succeed....sometimes its best to give up. life is like a rollercoaster, or a series of rollercoasters, or many rollercoasters all at one time, or just throwing up thinking about the rollercoasters. sometimes you climb up and up and up and up and up only to find out the track actually stopped just past the top so now its a really hard fall straight down to the ground, plummeting like dead weight towards the cement. other times its smooth as can be - like flying. i woke up this morning to maddy climbing into my bed to snuggle with me. we stared at each other, nose to nose, for a while then she said the one thing that i needed to hear more than anything else in the whole world. "i feel special mommy." now i'm flying.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My New Best Friend

This is my new best friend. Isn't she great! We met in Hawaii and have been inseparable since. She was mostly all I could see from the middle of the very back seat of the mini-van as we drove all over Hawaii. We bonded right away. Her name Yeah, thats her name. Katie. And she is my new best friend. We drive everywhere together. At first I was jealous of her cute little figure - doesn't she look dynamite in a bikini! But I get way more action than she does. She has a great tan too, but its her bubbley personality that made me look past all the things I would normally be too jealous of. Everywhere we go in the car, no matter what, she is so happy - always smiling. She dances when we go fast on the freeway! Today, we were stopped in traffic and I said to her "oh my gosh, I might be late for work!" and she was just so happy and supportive. And then I thought "oh my God, I am sitting in my car talking to a doll."
Its time to make some changes in my life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

big big bubbles

isnt life grand

again, who is yummier?

who is yummier, shaved ice or alex?

yummy shaved ice

grammy and maddy maken fish


More Hawaii

Monday, September 18, 2006


Aunnie Marilee and Maddy all tatted up

Our little family

Alex and I

Maddy and I
Finally getting some Hawaii photos up! It was as much fun as it looked! more photos to come.....

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ramone and Crystal

These guys are so much fun!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Lauren, Maddy & Alex's cousin

finally, finally, finally home! loved hawaii, loved photoshop world in las vegas, but i am soooo glad to be home after being gone for over 2 weeks. i am a "home body" and am most comfortable in my happy little normal routine. here are just a few photos. i am still working on getting the hawaii photos done. so much to do and always so little time.