Love/Hate Lightroom
I am experiencing a love/hate relationship with Lightroom. I am so sold on it that i have practically forgotten my old workflow using bridge, camera raw and photoshop. in therory it should be the best thing around and when it works right it IS the best thing around. its getting it to work consistantly that is the problem. for one, it wont aknowledge that i have a dvd burner - its says its unwriteable. and seems lik i can only download two 4G cards before it crashes on me, or worse yet, freezes up. having to reboot after ever 2 cards defeats the whole purpose of speeding up the workflow! and its not that my machine is lacking - i've got a terrabyte of storage, 4 Gigs of RAM and a dual processor. right now i am just ranting because i am stuck downloading cards rather than doing actual work and its driving me nuts! sorry about the rant!
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