Antiworkshop Seattle!!!!

Dalisa and Doug - master bowlers
Me being a dork with my fisheye, Chenin and my roomie Jamie
Jamie bowin with style! 
Jeannie Oh

Jeannie Oh

I have been so busy that I havent had time to get as excited as I could have for the Antiworkshop Seattle. Good thing too because I would have been like a kid before Xmas just dying for the day to come. And it came with a bang!! Tonight was a social and shootsac sale at the bowling alley at The Garage, a cool restaurant/bar/bowling alley next door to the Silver Cloud were we stayed. Now I knew going in to this thing that I would be a little tiny player amoungst the big leaguers but man was it intimidating walking in to see all the famous faces that were there. I wont go dropping names just yet but there were some absolutely fabulous people there! Chenin Boutwell and Dalisa Cooper put this on and they are doing a fantastic job - what great hosts! I think I'm really going to like hanging with these chicks!
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