Cheryl Walsh Imaging

ok, so i find myself in a predicament. i got so busy and i figured it would be a few days before i could even try to catch up. a few days, a few weeks. only a few months and i will be caught up and have some free time. months turned into years. so here i am, predicament and all. if i dont start at least writing something down then it will all be over and i wont remember any of the whirlwind. its not all bad, its just crazy. not all crazy is bad.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 2 Antiworkshop

Emotion - I fell in love with this little guy, look at their smilesand equally loved this ladyurban image
low key - doesnt she look like a Ralph Lauren model
shooting up and/or colorful
masculine image - it was hard to make this girl look masculine

unexpected place

with greens

leading lines
watching the master at work - John Michael Cooper
with his famous video light working his magic

Today we had an ultracool assignment and it rocked! We were put in teams of 3 and sent out with a model dressed as a bride and a list of instructions of how or what to shoot. God smiled on us and handed us Marissa Holmes, a very accomplished photographer herself, and a total hottie, not to mention very sweet and agreeable to anything we put her thru. She laid out on a very cold stinky fish counter, smoked a stinky cheap cigar, sat in the middle of a buy intersection, climed, squatted, walked and walked and walked the cobblestone streets in very high heels, all without a single complaint and all while looking absolutely fabulous. I felt very priviliged to photographer her. I learned more from this exercise than i did from anything else this weekend. Watching the images everyone took was an amazing experience. These are the images I took and a description of what I was suppose to be looking for.