This Little Piggy went to Seattle...
Feelin the Piggy LOVE!
This guy was a great sport
Destitute piggy - note the RX pill bottle
Who is that under the big golden pig? John Michael Cooper shooting me shooting him - that guy is THE MAN!!
Team 1 - I wonder if Spielberg has storyboard meetings like this

Day One - a team of 3 photographers, a polaroid camera with 10 frames and a very pink pig walked into a bar and the bartender said.... seriously though, this was how we left for our first assignment. Tell the story of the pig in 10 frames. "F*#% you" would have been a nicer way to send us out into the world!! Good thing my team kicked ass because we came up with a killer story called "Putting the Pig on a Pedestal" (10 points to the first person who gets the movie reference - if you dont get it then you really need to see that movie!!) and proceeded to take our poor deflated swine from the gutters of Seattle through a sorded tale of love, desire, ambition, success, jealousy and ultimately murder. It was about as much fun as one can have with an inflatable pig and a polaroid camera roaming the streets of seattle. We were suppose to learn something along the lines of "its not the camera you shoot with or what your model looks like but what you do with it" - sorry, I'm just not that deep - sometimes I just need my fisheye! The great news is that our film was defective and looked very much like we had run The Boutwells's Totally Rad SX-70 on it!!!!!!
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